Experience our Luxury Wellness Retreats for Women

Cultivate a more conscious lifestyle through community, nature, and play

A Radical Moment

We are living through an extraordinary moment that calls for a re-envisioning of our values, our actions, and our ways of gathering. Our mission is to create socially conscious escapes; with spaces, places, and experiences that drive a deeper – and more human – connection.
beLeaf retreat offers focused moments and playful tools to examine your relationship to the natural world and to reconnect to other changemakers, seekers & adventurers. There has never been a better time to reimagine ourselves, find our purpose, and learn new ways of being.
Meet this moment and explore a more values-based lifestyle, alongside the compassionate support and empathy of a like-minded community.

Conscious Events

Empathy-led, hands-on, play-driven, personalized experiences
Go on a journey into learning about your current value system, by identifying opportunities for growth and creating a roadmap for future change. Pick from a menu of fun, participatory experiences, guided by engaging facilitators and passionate industry leaders.
Explore nature, heal your mind, body and soul and connect with others. During this time, capture a shared beLeaf system; your guide towards a healthier and happier future.
Upcoming Retreats

Conscious Escapes in Tuscany / June 16-22, 2023
A Women’s Wellness Adventure in Tuscany, Italy with Amanda Cey DeMonaco // beLeaf Retreat

Coronavirus Update

Your health and safety is our biggest priority, and we will follow all state/ county protocol to ensure that we are providing a safe environment. Please see our Agreement for more information.

Join Us

Add yourself to our email list for our bi-weekly newsletter and to be the first to know about our newest women’s wellness retreat offerings. With signing up, you’ll get access to ‘The Ultimate Guide to Conscious Resources 2021.’
Join us to start designing a more conscious, and sustainable lifestyle today!

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